Ayurveda – A non-invasive treatment modality recuperating kidney functions in CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) – A case report

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Chronic kidney disease (CKD), falls under the umbrella of non- communicable diseases, depicts high
prevalence worldwide & has emerged as a global threat, intending patients with compromised health & despair,
whereas Ayurveda treatment modality nestles kidney empowering herbs thereby ameliorating kidney functions.
In the present study, 48-year-old male patient from Delhi approached OPD of Ayurveda Hospital for consultation with
complaints of frothy urine and general weakness for 3 months. Serum Creatinine levels were raised to 2.24(10-3-
2023)). He had hypertension since 2yrs and was a known case of CKD for 3 months. He was prescribed with Ren Plus
Ultra Kwatha churna (10 g) before meal, Tab Renal Plus (400mg) 2Tab TDS after meal, Arka Nephrowin 20ml BD with
equal amount of water after meal and Tab Liv (500mg) 1 Tab BD after meal The patient was given dietary recommendations
such as avoiding milk and milk products, vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, brinjal etc. Decrease in creatinine level
to 1.29mg/dl (28-4-2023) were observed in 1 month. Hence, the case clearly promulgates the ascendancy of Ayurveda
treatment modality in the superintendence of CKD.

Keywords: Ayurveda, Chronic kidney disease (CKD), Mutravaha strotas vikar, Nephroprotective

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