To have an opinion is to basically state how you see the world. Everybody sees the world from a different place. So since everybody sees the world differently, it is not surprising that opinions would also be different. Similar differences are observed at many places in Ayurvedic literatures. One such example is that number of bones (Asthi) in different era and literature of Ayurveda are mentioned different. In this study different opinion about Asthi Sankhya was compared from Ayurvedic and Modern literary references based on Structural features of Asthi, cadaveric study, Structural features of Cartilages, Structural features Teeth, Nail and Specific bones. The purpose of study was to co-relate the actual number of bones in human body by dissection and literature study and try to overcome the difference. Finally it was observed that the difference in number of bones is due to method of counting, Theory and Time period. Also the Inclusive and Exclusive criteria affects the actual numbers.
Keywords: Asthi, Sankhya, bones,