Ayurveda defines health as complete balance state of Dosha, Agni, Dhatu, and Mala, as well as the balance between
three fundamental states i.e physical, mental, and spiritual states. This definition of health is in coherence with
WHO’s definition of health as “A state of physical, mental, social and spiritual well being and not merely an absence
of disease.” Prevention is better than cure, so why to take too much medicines, as we can eat healthy diet and reduce
the chances of lifestyle disorders and not need to dependent on medicines. The prayojana of Ayurveda is to protect
health of a healthy human being and to cure disorders within the diseased condition. As Acharyas had described that
Ahara, Nidra, Brahmacharya are triupstambha (three sub pillars), which support the body itself. Here Ahara has
been placed first, which shows that it is the most important to maintain and sustain the life. Ahara supplies bioenergy
to body. This bio-energy is supplied by proper and adequate nutrition in the form of its essential’s constituents viz.
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins and water. In Ayurveda, Ahara as well as the method of its intake
both have equal importance. Due to lack of awareness and lack of knowledge about method of Ahara Vidhi
Visheshayatana, we blindly follow the wrong dietary habits, which cause Digestive stress and produce several
diseases of unknown etiology and affects the function of doshas. Acharya Charak has explained
Asthaharavidhivisheshyatana in a very systemic and scientific way. It gives basic dietary guidelines about choosing
appropriate food, combination of food, processing manners, dietary rules and quantitative and qualitative
characteristics of food. A proper knowledge of Asthaharavidhivisheshayatana with help in reducing agnidusti and
achieving the both prayajona of ayurveda.
Agnidusti, Health, Ahara, Triupastambha, Digestive distress, Ama, Asthaharavidhivisheshyatana