Neuropathy is the most common complication of Diabetes Mellitus. Main factors playing vital role in development of neuropathy are metabolic as well as vascular which causes degeneration of neurolema resulting in impaired nerve conduction. It is presented in the patients as Dysaesthesia / Parasthesia. In Ayurveda Diabetes has been described as ‘Madhumeha’ which is a ‘Vata’ predominating disease causing derangement of body tissues. ‘Vata’ is vitiated either due to ‘Dhatu Kshaya’ (quantitative or qualitative loss of tissue factors) or vitiation of vata due to obstruction in microchannels responsible for nourishment and maintenance of tissue fators. As per description available in Ayurvedic literature derangement of body tissues starts much before appearance of characteristic clinical features of ‘Madhumeh’. ‘Pani Pad Tala Dah’ (burning sensation in palms and soles) a symptom of afflicted nervine tissue is mentioned as purvaroopa (pre diabetic stage) i.e a stage wherein vitiated doshas have just started to effect tissue factors.

Rasayana’ is a unique to bring and to maintain the metabolic activities in equilibrium, bringing normalcy in body tissues thus improving resistance and immunity against diseases, prolonging the life, developing the positive health and improving the quality of life. ‘Rasayana’ act at the level of ‘Dhatus’ (body tissues), ‘agni’(metabolic activities) and ‘srotansi’(micro circulation).

A number of ‘Rasayana’ drugs are in use to combat diabetic neuropathy in Ayurveda such as shilajita, Guduchi etc .Various different researches have been reviewed in order to understand the importance of Rasayanas in general health and their uses and the active principles behind the drugs along with their mechanism of action in breaking the pathogenesis of Diabetes and its complications esp. Diabetic neuropathy. Many drugs have been found out having the quality of both the Rasayana and anti- Diabetic and also improving the status of its complications

Key words  Rasayana,  Agni, Madhumeha  

 PDF dr neha kaushik WJAS july issue 2017