Trauma is so universal that the declaration of Alma Atta, included the common injuries as an essential part of primary care.As we know, in modern medicine soframycin is well known antiseptic for traumatic wounds so, we compared our trial Ayurvedic medicine with soframycin, as the used drugs have both shodhan and ropanproperties required for proper management of dushtvrana. Here in present clinical study,30 patients of dushtavrana were taken in two groups of 15 each. Control group was treated with soframycin tulle (local application) and saptangaguggulu oral 1000 mg bid while trial group was treated with shodhankesarilepa (local application) and saptangaguggulu oral 1000 mg bid for one month. Study was done on the basis of subjective parameter (pain) and objective parameters (tenderness, discharge, size, depth and floor). The statistical data was analyzed by applying student‘t’ test. The results were, relief in pain in trial group (85.71%)was better than control group (56.55%). Relief in tenderness was better in trial group (92.85%) than control group (55.55%). Improvement in discharge was better in trial group (83.33%) than control group (56%). Reduction in size was better in trial group (30.76%) than control group (27.27%). Reduction in depth was more in trial group (37.50%) than control group (31.81%). Improvement in floor was better in trial group (84.09%) than control group (52.50%). Overall effect of drug on Improvement in floor was only statistically significant (0.01>) suggesting that the combined effect of ingredients of trial group are better debriding agent.
Keywords: Dusht Vrana,Shodhan, lekhan, Soframycin.